Name Description Weekly traffic Subscribers
adventofcode All about 0 134
announce For announcements of releases of projects, libraries, and other Clojure-related things! 41 3517
asami-dev Development work for Asami: 0 22
athens 0 27
babashka 0 135
beginners Getting started with Clojure/ClojureScript? This is the place to ask questions! 130 3439
blender exploring Blender and interop solutions from Clojure 0 15
blockchain Clojure for blockchain 0 41
bubble-up 🫧 bubble-up, a tool for declarative schema migrations for SQLite databases. 0 3
calva Everything related to the VS Code Clojure extension family of Calva. Be it support, complaints, praise, contribution, whatever. 1 153
cfd-talk collaborating on a talk about computational-fluid-dynamics 0 7
chlorine Discuss Atom's socket-repl Chlorine package -- 0 31
chrepl A Chrome extension that injects a ClojureScript Figwheel repl into webpages 0 26
cider development, bug reports, help, beginners, anything to do with CIDER. Also welcome inf-clojure, clojure-mode. 0 228
clay-dev dev discussions of Clay: 0 54
clerk 0 14
clj-commons A stream discussing clj-commons, 0 89
clj-kondo 0 104
cljdoc Discussion around — Feedback, suggestions and ideas welcome! 0 79
cljplot-dev Insight / discussion about cljplot development 1 52
cljsrn clojurescript + react native 0 64
clojars discussion and “support”, see for status. 0 9
clojisr-dev Development stream for clojisr library 0 35
clojure 330 3521
clojure-asia The Clojure Community in Asia 0 23
clojure-austria For Clojure enthusiasts from Austria. 0 19
clojure-boston Anything where the Boston area and Clojure intersect. New discussion home for Boston Clojure Group Meetup. 0 37
clojure-brno For Brno Clojure Community: 0 11
clojure-china For Clojure enthusiasts from China, Also see 0 19
clojure-conj Chatter about Clojure/conj 2018 (and beyond). 1 68
clojure-czech For Clojure enthusiasts from Czech Republic 0 18
clojure-days Public chat for the attendees of Dutch Clojure Days ( - CFP Now Open: 0 25
clojure-dk Danske Clojurians 2 12
clojure-europe For people in Europe... or elsewhere... UGT 0 28
clojure-finland For Clojure enthusiasts from Finland, see also . 0 52
clojure-france 0 36
clojure-houston Connecting Clojurians in and around Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 0 9
clojure-italy Italian speakers Clojure channel 0 13
clojure-losangeles For Clojure discussions relating to the Los Angeles area. Also see the Meetup at 0 25
clojure-mexico Comunidad de clojure en Mexico. 0 5
clojure-newyork Parenthesis wrapped around the big apple, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and upstate New York. 0 29
clojure-nl The Dutch Clojure community 5 29
clojure-north A stream for the newly born Clojure/North conference. 0 18
clojure-ohio For Ohioans to hang out 0 2
clojure-portugal Local stream in Portuguese 0 7
clojure-rockies Community for Clojurists in the Rocky Mountain West 0 1
clojure-sanfrancisco Clojurians in the San Francisco Bay Area 0 25
clojure-slovakia The Slovak Clojure community 0 4
clojure-spanish Spanish-speaking channel 0 30
clojure-stl Saint Louis (Missouri, USA) area Clojure enthusiasts 0 15
clojure-sweden :flag_sweden: För Clojurianer som förstår svenska [LÄS MIG]( 0 8
clojure-uk 0 61
clojure-vancouver-bc Clojure Developers in Vancouver BC 0 17
clojure-vietnam Clojure from Viet Nam 0 7
clojurescript ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript | Currently at 1.10.439 1 3450
clojutre-scicloj-meeting Organizing a data science meeting at ClojuTRE 2019 0 37
closh Talk about shell and clojure - 0 43
community-development For all things related to building a better community 0 96
conjure 0 38
covid-19 studying COVID-19 data 0 96
crawler Discuss about using Clojure for web crawler. 0 30
Crux 12 163
Cursive Support and discussion for Cursive 0 13
data-recur discussions of the data-recur dev group 0 46
data-science 72 688
data-science-course-tlv Discussions stream of a local Clojure data science course we are about to begin in Tel Aviv: This group will be used mostly by the course participants. However, reading these discussions maybe be useful to other community members, too. Course materials will be shared here as we progress gradually. 0 81
datahike 0 93
datomic 0 154
dda-pallet 0 9
dec21-data-science-special The Data Science Special event at 2021-12-05 0 31
Defi ethereum, avalanche, stellar, ... 0 7
defnpodcast All about the Defn podcast. See and 0 74
Disorganized Discussion and feedback for the Disorganized app 0 3
ds4clj Data Science for Clojure Devs course 0 124
dsp discussing Digital Signal Processing 0 13
duct 0 9
Emacs or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Emacs 0 259
engineering Everything related to the beautiful craft of (software) engineering. 0 165
events Announcements and discussion of Clojure-related meetups and conferences. See [the README-topic]( for stream details. 2 3528
flow-storm 0 6
fulcro A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs, 0 118
fxl 0 10
garden 0 34
general 0 3441
geni 0 31
geni-interview Preparing for the Geni interview at 2020-09-19 0 11
gorilla-repl Discussions around Gorilla REPL: studying it, using it, and considering possible extensions. Note that this stream was opened by an entusiastic user, and not the library maintainers. Relevant links: Project website: (watch the videos to see some beautiful composability ideas!) Original repo: Actively maintained repo: Clojurescript+React frontend: Additional libraries: 0 51
Graalvm Graalvm and substratevm 0 109
gratitude Thank someone for what they do, spread the gratitude 💜🌸 1 3509
heartofclojure A place to mingle, chat and make plans around Heart of Clojure ( 0 40
honeysql Discussions about the SQL DSL that is 6 83
hyperfiddle 0 21
injest Discussion on injest, transducers, parallelism and thread macros 0 13
inside-clojure-journals Journal posts from InsideClojure while working on Clojure 0 64
international-data-science-meetup-20200227 Announcements and discussions of the International Clojure Data Science Meetup at Berlin, Feb 27th 2020 0 28
jobs 0 3517
JUXT Support and help related to all JUXT projects 0 149
kindly-dev developing Kindly 0 28
libapl-clj-dev Contribute to the development of libapl-clj dev! 0 13
libpython-clj-dev Discussion about libpython-clj development 0 208
liquid For discussions around 0 11
malli 0 49
metaprob A Clojure-embedded language for probabilistic programming and meta-programming. 0 41
ml-study What needs to be done so that Clojure can answer all the common needs of data scientists? 0 206
mxnet Clojure package to the MXNet Deep Learning Framework 0 64
new members For welcoming and onboarding new members. If you haven't yet, introduce yourself in a new thread using your name as the topic! 0 3440
news-and-articles 📖 Clojure-related blog posts / articles. Use topic-thread for discussion please. 1 3584
noj-dev Developing and discussing the Scinojure stack: Kindly, Clay, Noj, etc. 0 49
notespace-dev Discussing the development of Notespace -- "your namespace as a notebook" 0 63
nov21-workshops The November 2021 series of workshops, part of the re:Clojure event 0 177
off-topic Any discussion that doesn't seem to fit in another stream 1 3453
ohmyclj Standalone Clojure scripts with ease -- 0 23
online-community Planning some online community building stuff 0 16
onyx 0 24
org-mode About using Clojure (ob-clojure) in Emacs Org Mode. 0 104
Otarta For discussing [Otarta](, an MQTT-library for ClojureScript 0 14
other languages Discuss languages other than Clojure 0 52
otplike Erlang OTP for clojure. 0 24
overtone Dedicated to the Overtone music creation library. 0 20
papers-we-love Papers we love in the Clojure community 0 182
pink-gorilla-dev Discussing the development of pink-gorilla 0 39
practicalli Discussions to support the live broadcasts and books created by Practicalli on Clojure development 0 75
project-announcements For project updates/releases. There's also #**events** and #**news-and-articles**. 0 102
r-interop discussions around Clojure->R and R->Clojure interop 0 61
real-world-data Sharing experiences with real-world data projects 0 93
rectangle-tutorial discussing 'The Rectangle Game' tutorial by generateme 0 13
reveal Read Eval Visualize Loop — 0 38
ros Stuff about the Robot Operating System 0 8
saite-dev Discussing development of Hanami & Saite 0 46
samskara Discussing on the new Samskara library which tries to revamp the Clojure story on machine learining 0 22
sci-fu the Scicloj Foundations study meeting, where we learn together to build the ecosystem 0 125
scicloj-ai-meetups Chat for the new scicloj-ai-meetups group 0 5
scicloj-open-source-mentoring 0 75
scicloj-tutorials A task group for working on clojure data science tutorials 1 165
scicloj-workshops Announcements and conversation related to Scicloj Workshops. 0 72 0 100
scinoj-light-1 a channel for the first SciNoj Light conference 0 11
scope-capture For discussing the scope-capture library ( 0 25
shadow-cljs ClojureScript compilation made easy! 0 171
sicmutils A stream for discussing the sicmutils library 0 104
slack-archive unidirectional mirror of Clojurians-Slack channels 2300 603
slack-archive-dev Test channel for slack messages 0 11
Spacemacs Discussing the effective use and configuation of the Spacemacs community driven configuration for Emacs 0 94
speculative 0 32
sql For discussions related to `org.clojure/java.jdbc`, related SQL/JDBC libraries, and database "stuff" in general. 16 111
tablemath-dev discussing Tablemath development 0 6
tableplot-dev developing Tableplot 0 24
tabular-structures Here we discuss various libraries for representing and manipulating tabular data-structures in Clojure. R has data.frame, DT::datatable, tibble::tibble. Python has pandas.DataFrame Clojure has several interesting libraries that offer similar data structures. We will mention them as separate topics under this stream. 0 85 Discussion about ongoing development 0 176
tel-aviv discussions of the tel aviv local meetup group 0 14
tensorflow-study studying tensorflow 0 12
test-20250103 just testing 0 2
tooling Everything about tooling the development processes. 0 177
typedclojure 0 43
uncomplicate Discussions about developing with Neanderthal, DeepDiamond, and other Uncomplicate libs from Dragan Djuric 0 130
unifydb Discussion about unifyDB, an in-development graph database. 0 10
vim 0 76
visual-tools Collaborations around tools for literate programming and data visualization/explorations 0 120
walkable 0 35
web-scraping Use Clojure for web scraping, crawler, etc. 0 82
windows-clojure Official: Also see 0 12
wolfram-clojure-bridge dev and user group of the Wolfram Clojure bridge project 0 25
Xiana Discussion on the Xiana framework 0 9
zulip For discussing Zulip, Zulip tips and tricks, and asking questions about how Zulip works 2 3457